The Nocona Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 8558 has launched its Veteran Wall of Honor, which will be the central focus of the future Nocona...
“Texas Independence Day Celebration,” presented by H-E-B, is an annual two-day living history celebration from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March 3 and 4 on...
By DANI BLACKBURN Carolann Corado is not your typical heart patient. The health-conscious grandmother who was always on the go and worked long hours never showed...
There has been a change of venue for the Spring Book Sale of the Friends of the Library as it moves to the Bowie Community Center...
Saint Jo City Council members braved the winter storm to take care of business by candlelight during their Feb. 21 meeting. The resignation of Saint Jo...
Enjoy an evening of uplifting musical entertainment at Music for the Mission from 6 to 8 p.m. on Feb. 28 at First United Methodist Church of...
The Bowie Rural Volunteer Fire Department will have a blood drive with the Carter BloodCare Center on March 3. The drive will be from 9:30 a.m....
Advanced Rehabilitation of Bowie presented its first Coffee with a Cop program on Wednesday and despite an icy morning a large group visited with the Bowie...