Jackrabbit Stadium was filled with festivities for Meet the Rabbits Thursday night. Presented by the Booster Club, there was tug-of-war with players versus coaches, along with...
By DANI BLACKBURN [email protected] The City of Nocona budget for the 2017-2018 year is based on a proposed tax rate of .5532 cents per $100 assessed...
Nocona Rural Volunteer Fire Department responded to this fire on Uselton Road about 5 p.m. on Aug. 5. The fire began in a mobile home adjacent...
By BARBARA GREEN [email protected] Bowie Independent School District will consider keeping the present debt service tax rate for 2017, using reserve funds to make up the...
Saint Jo Fire Chief Scott Thomas and emergency medical services will be front and center at the Aug. 9 city council meeting. The meeting will begin...
By BARBARA GREEN [email protected] Dean Grant brings 20 years of experience in the water and wastewater industry to his new position as public works director water/wastewater...
The home of Frank and Twila Ramsey at 1504 Linda Street, received major fire damage on Aug. 2, and a gofundme account was set up to...
By BARBARA GREEN Tensions raged at Tuesday’s Bowie City Council meeting as the city manager was accused of violating state law and city policy, and promoters...
By BARBARA GREEN Ambulance billing, and how it is recorded in the budget was the lead topic during Tuesday night’s Bowie City Council budget hearing along...
Montague County Commissioners will have a called meeting at 1 p.m. Aug. 8 to discuss retaining a law firm to represent it in a lawsuit filed...