By DANI BLACKBURN There may never be an ideal time to ask taxpayers to foot the bill for a new high school, but after 38 years...
By BARBARA GREEN Phase one of a master drainage study for portions of the city of Bowie was approved by the city council Tuesday night, along...
The Bowie Chamber of Commerce will have its annual dinner and auction fundraiser at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 17 in the Bowie Community Center. This year’s...
One of Bowie’s most popular festivals, Chicken and Bread Days Heritage Festival filled downtown with a huge crowd Saturday for all the activities. The festival, created...
With the school bond election on Nov. 8 quickly approaching, Nocona Independent School District officials had the first of three public information meetings last week. More...
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In Wednesday’s News find the special section that features three local women who have faced unique obstacles in their cancer...
By BARBARA GREEN A Bowie Police investigation into a complaint about possible “mishandling of funds” by local youth football league officials has been “suspended,” reports Detective...
The Bowie Hospital Authority is running into roadblocks to dissolution, despite the hospital building closed for nearly one year and the majority of its major debts...
By BARBARA GREEN Montague County entered into an memorandum of understanding with the Nortex Regional Planning Commission to develop a countywide mitigation plan that could assist...
Enjoy a day of fun with four-legged friends at the first annual Bowie News Pet Fair at 9 a.m. on Oct. 8 at The Bowie News...