Prairie Valley Junior High’s Allie Brown (10) congratulates Emily Carpenter (middle) after she earned a series of successful points for the Lady Bulldogs during Monday’s match...
The Bowie High School girls’ cross country team ran in the varsity division and the boys in junior varsity at the Lipan Invitational on Wednesday. Valerie...
The Bowie Junior High School football teams were introduced during Monday’s Bowie Athletic Boosters meeting in the high school “commons.” It was just part of Bowie...
The Bowie High School cheerleaders are currently performing at district volleyball and football games around the area. Here’s the squad. Spirit captain Emily Cox, co-captains Carcyn...
Nocona High School cheerleaders are currently performing at district volleyball and football games around the area. Here’s the squad. Cailyn Pepper, Neeli Williams, Victoria Destratis, Kurstin...
The annual BTX bicycle race will be taking place in and around Bowie and Montague County on Oct. 1. This race takes place alongside Bowie’s Chicken...
Under escort from the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division, nine black students enter all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Three weeks earlier, Arkansas Governor...
By ERIC VICCARO [email protected] The Bowie High School football team remains winless through three weeks of the 2016 season. Meanwhile, this week’s opponent – Holliday –...
Bowie High School head football coach Dylan Stark pleads his case after there was no call for a possible pass interference during a Sept. 9 game...
Riley Truax (72) rushes Henrietta quarterback Zach West during a Sept. 9 game between Bowie and the Bearcats in Henrietta, who won 23-22. (News photo by Eric...