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When life gets tough, the tough get going, and no one proves that more than Bowie High School graduate Shelby Avara.
The high school senior has traveled an obstacle-ridden road on her journey to receiving a high school diploma, something not many in her family have done.
The adversity she faced began when she was just six-years-old as a first grader in Iowa, when her mother was killed in a car crash. The tragic accident catapulted her into a life of instability and independence.
Avara, along with her sister and father, a rancher, moved to multiple states in the years that followed, including Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma before settling in Bowie. The family lived in multiple homes in each state, in Bowie alone the teenager is in her fourth home.
Along the way, her father began driving a semi-truck hauling cattle which took him on the road quite a bit. Avara became acquainted with being alone and faced some scary situations, including a family that held the young teenager captive.
“When my dad and sister moved to Texas, I was stuck in Oklahoma,” recalled Avara. “We had been staying with my sister’s best friend’s parents. They made me sign these papers and told me that my dad had signed papers giving up his rights to me.”
They cut off all communication between the young teenager and her father and took away all her electronic devices, forcing her to do many things like take part in religious studies every night while verbally abusing the young girl.
“They told me we would never amount to anything, and that my dad never loved my mom. They told us all kinds of crazy things, including what horrible people we were,” recalled Avara.
Fortunately, the young teenager eventually made contact with her father using an old Nokia phone, and her dad hit the road to pick up his teenage daughter and brought her to Bowie where the family lived with Avara’s aunt and uncle. It was the middle of her eighth-grade year. Bowie Junior High became the fourth middle school she would attend.
While Avara remained in Bowie, her struggles were far from over but she continued to persevere.


This week she looks toward the future as she graduates Bowie High School and looks back at overcoming a series of obstacles thanks to friends. Read her full story in the weekend News. 

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Wheels & Grills rolls this weekend



Make plans to come out and celebrate the 10th annual Wheels and Grills BBQ Cook-off and Car Show Sept. 20-21.
Staying true to the native cuisine of Texas, participants will be preparing a wide range of barbecue-inspired dishes including brisket, ribs, chicken, pork butt, beans, salsa and drink concoctions across two days of competition. . The High Point Cooker prize has been increased to $3,000 along with a pair of Fenoglio Boots
The event also will feature a car and motorcycle show and a cornhole tournament on Sept. 21.

Read the full story in the mid-week Bowie News.

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Saint Jo homecoming queen will be named



Saint Jo High School celebrates homecoming this week with daily themed events. Homecoming court and queen nominees are: Layla Polk, sophomore princess; Maxey Johnson, junior princess; Taylor Patrick, Tara Wolf, Ava Rossin and Aliyah Vasquez, senior queen candidates; Bailie Nobile, junior princess and Olivia Johnson, freshman princess. The queen will be crowned during halftime ceremonies at Harley Sewell Stadium as the Panthers play Forestburg on Sept. 20. Pep rally at 3:25 Friday.

Courtesy photo

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Bowie High homecoming royals crowned



Bowie High School homecoming 2024 royals were crowned Friday night. They are seniors Javier Moreno and Beau Combs. See more photos in your mid-week Bowie News. (News photo by Jordan Neal)

The Bowie student section goes all out with spirit during the homecoming game. (Courtesy photo)
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