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Snow doesn’t stall youth fair



[email protected]
It has been a few years since winter weather threatened the Montague County Youth Fair, but with just a bit of schedule juggling all the events were completed and the sale was a big success.
Youth fair organizers and competitors are no strangers to cold, wet winter weather and transporting large cows and pigs, plus kids and huge ag mechanic projects is often the norm. The Thursday snow storm brought more than six inches of fluffy snow across the county. However, at certain points it was a hazard to deal with as it came down faster than trucks could clear it away.
Kristy Tillman, chairman of the fair board, said “If this week is not an example of hard work, perseverance and dedication, I am not sure what else could be.”
She continued on a good weather week the show is no easy feat with so many moving parts and she is aware many questioned why they continued to have the show with the snowy weather.
“It is stock show weather! We could be cold, hot, wet or dry during county show week and we have seen it all. I am a firm believer folks involved with agriculture are just built a little different. When inclement weather comes in, we all know we still have to work, it may just take a little longer and we have to bundle up a little more, but we have to persevere,” explained Tillman.
The executive committee took the steps it felt were necessary to allow the show to go on with few schedule changes. Tillman emphasized moving the show was not an option with the major show schedule starting with Fort Worth this month and ending with Houston in March.

Read the full story and see all the winners in the Winner’s Circle in your Thursday Bowie News.

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Carpenter Shop dining room closing Wednesday, Thursday



Officials with the Carpenter Shop (Nocona Senior Citizens Center) have announced the dining room will be closed today, Wednesday (2/19) and Thursday (2/20) due to possible bad winter weather.

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Saint Jo City Council reschedules its February meeting



After cancelling its meeting due to illness earlier this month, the Saint Jo City Council will meet at 6 p.m. on Feb. 19 at city hall.

Agenda items are:

  1. Consider resolution to allow the Saint Jo Riding Club to access city-owned property adjacent to the rodeo arena to be used for parking for club-hosted events.
  2. Discuss request from Dennis Elmore about 5.87 acres on West Howell to build on lots 6 and 7.
  3. Discuss and act on updated ordinance from the workshop conducted on Jan. 22.
  4. Approve minutes and bills, along with printed reports.
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Father/daughter dance welcomes big crowd



Freedom Life Church and its sponsors hosted the annual Father/Daughter Dance in Bowie. There was a packed house of family members for the annual event as they enjoyed a deejay, dancing, food and fun. Watch for more photos in your Thursday Bowie News. (News photo by Barbara Green)

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