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Dancing to the Stars planned Nov. 3



By Cindy Roller, Bowie Community Development Director
A great way to warm up this season will be at the annual Dancing to the Stars fundraising event on Nov. 3.
The great news is 100 percent of the proceeds stay local and go towards charities supported by the Rotary Club of Bowie, Bowie Chamber of Commerce, and to support scholarships for Montague County students through North Central Texas College Montague County Foundation.
Never seen the show and wondering how this works? This event is a dance competition modeled after the popular television show.
In this case, local area celebrities paired together with the assistance of professional dancers; perform one dance at the event at the Bowie Community Center.
The dancer who collects the most votes (by raising the most money) is the Champion. The evening includes a catered dinner, refreshments, and more guest appearances.
Those wishing to attend the show may purchase tickets for $50 and they are available at the Bowie Community Development office at the corner of Pecan and Mason. This event is usually a sell-out so purchase your tickets early.

Meet the dancers in your mid-week News.

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Voters decided today on two ISD bonds



Voters in Bowie and Forestburg Independent School Districts will have their say Saturday as both entities offer up bond issues to improve infrastructure.
Early voting came to an end on Tuesday with a total of 1,230 people casting their ballots.
On election day the polls will be open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at three locations: Bowie Senior Citizens Center, Forestburg ISD Library and Sunset City Hall. Voters can cast their ballots at any of these locations due to countywide voting.

Read more about both bond proposals in your weekend Bowie News.

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City crews replace fire hydrant near downtown



Water was off Wednesday morning as the City of Bowie public works crew replaced a fire hydrant at the corner of Walnut and Matthews. (Photo by Barbara Green)

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Groves’ family named top yard



Congratulations to Leighton and Stephanie Groves, 1510 N. Matthews, the first spring winner of Yard of the Month for April.
The couple has put a lot of work into the property in which they moved in November 2021. Leighton says his wife has the “green thumb,” but they share the work to do it all about 50/50. Along with a lovely front porch and yard, the family has created a cute cottage garden in the back yard full of flowers, vegetables and herbs in raised beds, anchored by a picnic table with lights all surrounded by a picket fence to keep out their two large dogs, two geese and a bevy of chickens.
There were two yards in the city limits that were nominated including the winner and 800 Bennett. Two more were submitted, but were located outside the city limit.
The opening month has been hard on residences with lots of rain and sunshine making it hard to keep up with the mowing. As the season settles down The Bowie News hopes to see more lawn submissions. There will be winners named for May and June.
The winner will be published in the last paper of the month. Call 872-2247 to make a nomination or email it to [email protected]. If you email follow up with a phone call to make sure it arrives. Deadline will be May 24.

Read more on the contest in your weekend Bowie News.

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