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Health care solutions for rural Americans



(Family Features) Heart disease, cancer, unintentional injuries, chronic lower respiratory disease and stroke. These top five causes of death in the United States all have a higher incidence of death among rural residents and research points to lack of access to health care as a culprit.
Today, rural hospitals are closing at a rapid pace, expanding an already vast health care desert (defined as inhabited areas more than 60 minutes away from an acute care hospital) across the country.

According to the University of North Carolina’s Rural Health Research Program, since 2010, more than 105 of America’s 1,700 rural hospitals have closed. Additionally, a Navigant report found that 21% of rural hospitals are at high risk of closing unless their financial situations improve.

Every day, rural Americans find themselves farther from medical care.

Practical challenges facing patients

Fatal injuries and illnesses aside, rural residents face other practical concerns related to the health care in their communities.

  • Doctors are more concentrated in urban areas, while there are shortages in rural communities. A shortage of doctors can mean less availability for appointments, difficulty capturing enough attention from a busy provider, longer distances to reach a physician and limited access to specialists.
  • Statistically, rural residents tend to be older and need more frequent visits to their primary doctors and other specialists.
  • Pregnant women have to travel even farther to deliver a baby, leading to an increased risk of complications at birth. Similarly, pre-natal and post-natal care are harder to access.
  • Rural residents often enjoy more outdoor activities (such as hunting, hiking and riding ATVs) than urban residents and therefore are at a greater risk of injury that requires treatment at a trauma center.

Airborne answer

One solution to fill the gap in rural health care is air medical services, which transport patients to critical care facilities in minutes. With nearly 90% of patients transported living in rural areas, air ambulance services are an essential part of health care access in these communities.

However, just like rural hospitals, air ambulances are threatened as well. Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rates have remained steady for decades, while operational costs required for air medical services have increased, creating a financially unsustainable situation. Some private insurers also refuse to cover air medical services or pay minimal costs, requiring patients to assume the balance.

How to take action

The challenges facing rural health care access may be significant, but rural residents can take individual actions to make a difference for themselves, their families and even their communities.

  • Express support to elected officials. Rural residents can call or write letters to their senators and representatives and demand they keep local hospitals open and protect access to air medical services. Reaching members of Congress at their local offices may be more effective than contacting their federal offices.
  • Support efforts to secure grants. Some universities have been given grants from the Health Resources & Services Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to create or expand community health initiatives and facilities in rural areas.
  • Explore alternative sources of care. Many rural areas have community health workers who complete home visits to assist people with chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. Although their training is limited compared to that of a doctor or nurse, their service increases health care access and they’re able to spend more time with patients.
  • Get educated about your care. One role of community health workers is teaching patients about how to manage their own medical needs. This education helps residents be proactive and preventative in their health care, which can reduce the need for hospitalizations in certain cases, such as learning how to properly manage diabetes.
  • Make an emergency plan. For families who reside in a rural community, it’s a smart idea to have a plan in place for how to respond in the event a medical emergency. The plan should include information about the location of the closest hospital, emergency contact information in the community and other details necessary to gain emergency care.
  • Consider remote access care. Another option for both rural and urban residents alike is telemedicine, which allows patients to connect with a doctor or nurse virtually using technology and without having to travel. The two-way communication can facilitate evaluation and treatment for minor conditions. The service is offered as a cost-saving incentive through some insurance plans, as well as private providers.

Protecting Patients Against the Unexpected

With increasing frequency, insurance companies are not covering the full cost of medical emergencies, leaving families with out-of-pocket expenses they didn’t expect.

If you need medical transport and a physician or first responder determines air evacuation is the best – or only – option to get you to care, you shouldn’t have to worry about the bill you’ll receive afterward. Many emergency service providers have support efforts in place to help you focus on recovery, not finances.

For example, many air medical companies provide patients access to their patient advocates, who work with the patient’s insurance provider to properly cover air medical transport, taking the patient out of the middle. This process can result in significantly lower costs for the patient, often amounting to just the usual copay and deductible.

Visit to learn more about these services in your area.

Photos courtesy of Getty Images (doctor and man, woman speaking with doctor on computer)

Global Medical Response

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Everyday Ways to Nurture Your Skin This Summer: 4 simple habits to support healthy skin



(Family Features) Good skin care doesn’t have to mean intensive routines or expensive moisturizers – it can be as easy as adopting everyday habits that nurture your skin from the inside out. Keeping your skin healthy and glowing begins with protecting it from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and eating and drinking healthy foods and beverages.

With an important role in maintaining overall well-being, it’s reassuring to know skin health may be supported with healthy, everyday foods including fresh, juicy grapes. In fact, emerging research suggests consuming grapes may help protect healthy skin even when exposed to UV light, which is known to be damaging. A study published in the journal “Antioxidants,” in which people consumed 2 1/4 cups of grapes every day for two weeks, showed increased resistance to sunburn and reduced markers of UV damage at the cellular level.

This study reinforced previous and similar findings published in the “Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.” Grapes are also a hydrating food with 82% water content; hydration is essential to healthy skin.

Consider these everyday ways you can protect your skin.

Keep the Sun at Bay
Protecting skin from the sun is crucial. A lifetime of sun exposure can lead to wrinkles, age spots and other health problems, including an increased risk of skin cancer. When you’re out enjoying some sunshine, generously apply sunscreen of at least 30 SPF every 1-2 hours. Covering skin with lightweight, long-sleeve shirts, wide-brimmed hats and other sun-protective clothing can also help block UV rays. Another heat-wave hack: Take to the shade during the hottest parts of the day, usually from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., to avoid the sun’s rays when they’re at their strongest.

Fill Your Plate with Healthy Foods
Nutritious foods, including fruits and vegetables, can play an important role in achieving an overall balanced diet with adequate hydration. Enjoying the goodness of fresh or frozen Grapes from California can provide extra hydration and a boost of beneficial antioxidants and other polyphenols that help protect the health and function of the body’s cells, including those in the skin.

Stay Hydrated
Drink water throughout the day, and for added flavor, infuse with hydrating fruits like fresh, juicy grapes. For a cool, hydrating snack, try freezing grapes: simply rinse, pat dry, remove from the stems and freeze for 2 hours in a single layer on a sheet pan for flavorful ice cube replacements.

For an easy, refreshing way to add grapes to your menu and stay hydrated on warm days, try these Frozen Grape Lemonade Ice Pops for a sweet, delicious dessert the entire family can enjoy.

Fight Back Against Stress
Stress can negatively impact skin in a variety of ways, including making it more sensitive or reactive. Be mindful of the effects stress can have on your skin and practice stress-relieving techniques like getting enough sleep, exercise and perhaps exploring meditation, deep breathing or yoga.

Visit for more delicious recipes and information on grapes and health.

Frozen Grape Lemonade Ice Pops

Yield: 8 ice pops

  • 2 cups halved California Grapes
  • 1 1/3 cups lemonade
  1. Fill eight 3-ounce ice pop molds with halved grapes.
  2. Pour in lemonade to just cover fruit. Insert ice pop stick handles.
  3. Freeze at least 3 hours until frozen.

California Table Grape Commission

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Stay safe, healthy during and after emergencies



4 tips to prepare for natural disasters that can negatively impact physical and mental health

(Family Features) As you’re making your emergency preparedness checklist, it’s also important to protect your heart and overall health in the wake of a hurricane, tornado or other natural disaster.

The experts at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predict an above-average Atlantic Ocean hurricane season for the seventh year in a row. Research shows it’s not only physical devastation that impacts the health and safety of people in the path of a natural disaster.

In fact, in a study presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health 2021 Scientific Sessions, researchers found there were higher rates of high blood pressure, obesity and pre-diabetes among survivors of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico in 2017, as well as increased incidences of heart disease and stroke two years after the storm compared to two years prior to the hurricane.

It’s not only hurricanes that can have a negative impact on cardiovascular health. A study published in the journal “Hypertension found a significant increase in blood pressure levels and the incidence of high blood pressure among people who were forced to evacuate following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2012.

Gustavo E. Flores, M.D., a member of the American Heart Association’s Emergency Cardiovascular Care committee, said there are several factors that may lead to increased cardiovascular disease and risk after a natural disaster.

“During and after a storm, many people experience extreme stress and trauma, which research shows can lead to an increase in cardiovascular disease risk,” he said. “The impact can be more intense for heart disease and stroke patients. Additionally, in the aftermath of a significant natural disaster, property destruction and evacuations affect many basic support resources. This can make it challenging to see a health care professional for routine check-ups or refill or adjust medications, especially for more vulnerable populations.”

Flores, chairman and chief instructor for Emergency & Critical Care Trainings, LLC, said it’s important for people to be prepared and plan ahead. Consider these quick tips from Flores and the American Heart Association, which is celebrating 100 years of lifesaving service as the world’s leading nonprofit organization focused on heart and brain health for all:

  • Take time to write down any medical conditions, allergies and medications, including doses and the time you take medications, along with your pharmacy name, address and phone number. Keep the information with any other “go-kit” items you have handy for quick evacuation.
  • If you need to evacuate, even temporarily, bring your medications and health information with you in a resealable plastic bag to help keep it dry.
  • If your medication is lost, damaged by water or was left behind when you evacuated, research open pharmacies and seek a refill as quickly as possible. Some states allow pharmacists to make medically necessary exceptions on certain types of prescription refills during an emergency.
  • Use the Patient Preparedness Plan if you have diabetes and use insulin. There you’ll find a checklist of supplies and guidelines to prepare for an emergency.

Another way to prepare for a possible medical emergency is to learn how to perform hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and how to use an automated external defibrillator until help arrives. If performed correctly, CPR can double or triple a person’s chance of survival.

Visit for the latest on heart health and the Disaster Resources page for a wide range of helpful information.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

American Heart Association

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Nurturing the mental health of young children



(Family Features) The earliest years of children’s lives lay the foundation for their social and emotional well-being, setting the stage for success in school and beyond. For parents, caregivers and educators, it’s crucial to prioritize and nurture the mental health of children in their care.

Dr. Lauren Loquasto, senior vice president and chief academic officer at The Goddard School, and Dr. Kyle Pruett, clinical professor of child psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and member of The Goddard School’s Educational Advisory Board, share this insight and guidance to support children’s mental well-being.

Understanding Mental Health in Young Children
Mental health influences how everyone – including young children – thinks, feels and behaves, impacting the ability to cope with stress, build relationships and navigate life.

The development of mental makeup is influenced by both nature (inherited genetic and biological factors) and nurture (environmental factors). Each person is a combination of a unique temperament combined with life experiences, including family, culture and education.

In young children, there is no distinction between mental and physical health. The brain and body are growing and developing rapidly. By 6 months, children can begin to feel overwhelmed by negative experiences. It’s vital to understand that the earliest interactions with children can have lasting social and emotional consequences.

Causes for Concern
When it comes to young children’s mental health, there’s no straight line dividing expected and worrisome behaviors. That line is wiggly and can shift. That said, it’s always concerning when children fall off their developmental tracks.

Infants are expected to partake in “serve and return” activities. They provide signals about how they feel or what they need and caregivers respond to those cues. When those signals stop and the child becomes exceedingly passive, that’s a concern.

Toddler troubles are among the most difficult to diagnose. Many are familiar with the concept of the “terrible twos;” deciphering between developmentally appropriate and worrisome behaviors can be challenging. Signs of concern – especially if they occur constantly – include excessive aggressiveness, a consistent lack of control and screaming instead of talking.

For pre-kindergarteners and kindergarteners, tantrums should be over. They should be interested in making friends and mastering their vocabulary and language. If they aren’t displaying interests or are exhibiting a lack of self-regulation, such as hurting others or animals, seeking help is appropriate.

Seeking Help
If concerns are identified, parents should contact their pediatric care provider. In some cases, they may recommend seeking assistance from a mental health provider, such as a therapist. Selecting the right provider – one with training and experience with working with children – is essential. Lean on your network, including your pediatric care provider, friends and family, to identify the best option.

Supporting Early Social and Emotional Development

  1. Understand your child’s behavior – particularly if they aren’t verbal – is their way of communicating. Narrate what your child is experiencing and label emotions. For example, “I see you’re angry. Can I help you put your shoes on?”
  2. Model social and emotional self-control. For example, “I’m frustrated. I’m going to pause, take deep breaths then tell you what I need.” This gives children coping techniques they can practice themselves.
  3. Be a good example. Model, for instance, how to be a good friend, show respect and use good manners.
  4. Partner with your child’s teachers. There should be two-way dialogue presenting potential concerns.
  5. Don’t rush to diagnose issues. Remember children save their “toxic waste” – big, negative feelings – for their parents because they trust them. Your experiences with your child may be different than others’ experiences. Be cautious to avoid a quick reaction. Work to understand what your child is trying to convey. Seek information from others.
  6. If a child is exhibiting anxious behavior, which is normal when encountering new situations, be present, listen, observe, answer questions, label emotions and provide reassurance. Don’t overreact to fears. Young children are learning to deal with the unknown and, just like learning to ride a bike, it takes time and comfort to develop the skills to manage those emotions.

To watch a webinar featuring Loquasto and Pruett providing additional guidance, and access actionable parenting insights and resources, visit the Parent Resource Center at

Photos courtesy of Shutterstock

The Goddard School

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