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Election filings open with 2 for mayor in Bowie



Opening day for election filing saw two candidates throw their hats into the ring for mayor of the City of Bowie.
Filing began Monday and will end on Aug. 16.
In the City of Bowie, three council positions and mayor will be on the ballot. Mayor Gaylynn Burris filed for re-election, along with Glenda Durham.
Council places on the ballot will include south precinct served by Jason Love; east precinct, Wayne Bell; north precinct, Diana Higgins and mayor, Gaylynn Burris.
Bell cannot run again due to term limits.
Two places are on the ballot in the Bowie Independent School District election: Place one, Jacky Betts and place two, Debbie Leonard. Both have filed.
The City of Saint Jo will have four council places, one of which has been vacant since Lucas Thompson resigned on MarcH 10, 2021. Incumbent councilors are Shaden Clark, Carla Hennessey and Guy Hubler.
There are two places on the Saint Jo ISD trustee ballot presently filled by Leeton Phillips and Dee Weger.

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Water issues drive subdivision rule updates



[email protected]
In an effort to “be prepared” for anticipated growth stemming from a bevy of subdivision developments, Montague County Commissioners Tuesday approved an updated version of the subdivision regulations with only small changes.
The acceptance came following a three-hour public hearing where five citizens expressed their opinions both for and against the rules.
Several of the speakers urged the court to table action until the public had more time to study the changes, however, the majority of the court stated the variance process can address different issues come up outside the rules.
The county approved its first set of rules in 2019 a few years before the flurry of subdivision plats coming to the court. Since their approval Aug. 16, 2019 there have been 24 subdivisions with 465 total lots approved by the court.
Along with the updated rules, the court approved an interlocal agreement with the Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District that serves Montague, Wise, Parker and Hood Counties.
The group will assist the county with groundwater availability studies, which are now required for subdivisions per state law.
County Judge Kevin Benton told the hearing of about 20 people the goal for this update was to have the best rules it can for new developments.
“We became concerned about water availability, especially after meetings with UTGCD and surrounding counties. In a few of those counties properties have run out of water. We wanted to do something to protect Montague County. Once we got into it you can’t change one thing without the other, so it grew,” said Benton.

Read the full story in the weekend Bowie News.

Pictured: David Fenoglio of Nocona shares his thoughts on the new subdivision rules during the public hearing on Tuesday. (Photo by Barbara Green)

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Man dies from ‘self-inflicted’ gunshot wound



A 26-year-old Sunset area man died Monday morning from what lawmen report was a “self-inflicted gunshot wound.”
Montague County Chief Deputy Jack Lawson explained a call came into the 911 service at 10:48 a.m. on May 27 where Holly Hall said her husband was coming to their residence south on Hwy. 101 to “commit suicide.”
Officers drove to find Benjamin Antonio Jubela-Gordon who was reportedly driving with a passenger who Lawson said was texting 911 their location as they were on Pleasant Hill Road.
The officers caught up with them shortly after 11 a.m. as they were leaving Sunset Gas and Grill. They went south on Highway 101 and were stopped south of Hwy. 101, just south of U.S. Highway 287.
“Due to the suicidal threat this was a high risk traffic stop. The deputies got the passenger out of the car and he went back to them. They called to the driver to do the same, but he took off driving south on Hwy. 101. The officers gave chase and just a short 273 yards down the road he crashed due to a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. He was pronounced dead at the scene,” explained Lawson.

Read more on this story in the weekend Bowie News.

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Lake closed due to extremely high levels



Lake Amon Carter is now closed for boating until the lake level drops back below 922 feet. Selma Park is also closed.

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