The Pumpkins and Snowflakes Craft Fair will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Oct. 12 at the Bowie First Methodist Church, 1515 N. Jefferson.Shop...
Chicken & Bread Days welcomes fall in a big way – Festival goers fill downtown Bowie enjoying music, games, food and fun. Watch for contest results...
The staff of Wise Hope Shelter and Crisis Center Montague County will present a candlelight vigil for Domestic Violence Awareness Month at 7:30 p.m. on Oct....
Hymns for the Hungry is an event led by Bowie First Methodist Church to benefit God’s Table, a food ministry program led by First Freewill Baptist...
The Pride of the Tribe Marching Band of Nocona High School will perform at pre-regional contest at 8 p.m. in Wichita Falls Memorial Stadium on Oct....
By BARBARA GREENeditor@bowienewsonline.comThe Bowie knife plaza at Pelham Park has been expanded as a new bronze sculpture, “The Trail Boss,” was placed in a garden area...
The board and volunteers of Tales ‘N’ Trails Museum celebrated TNT’s 30th anniversary at Shebang Saturday, the museum’s main fundraiser. (Below) Ronnie Johnson accepted the Volunteer...
Members of the Nocona Thursday Literary Club are proud to announce the centennial celebration of its founding as an organized women’s club.Several projects have been prepared...