Enjoy the one-man show, “The Lion of Texas,” the story of Sam Houston in two performances in Nocona, Nov. 1 and Nov. 2. This one-man show...
Chris Hamilton, a 16-year law enforcement veteran, has returned to his career of choice and to the job he “always aspired to attain,” as he becomes...
During the recent Bowie High School Homecoming events, the Mighty Marching Maroon names its royalty. Director Aaron Martin stands with Brandon Taul, band beau, and Cheyenna...
Chicken and Bread Days Fiddle Contest once again filled the downtown festival with musical entertainment. Bubba Hopkins, Burleson, was first place grand champion. Jason Andrew, Whitewright,...
High School Sports October 8 Cross Country 3:40 p.m. Ponder Invitational (Bowie girls, Saint Jo boys and girls) October 9 Cross Country TBA, Bellevue at Lucy...
By ERIC VICCARO [email protected] Well, Forestburg High School quarterback Matthew Wallace sure picked a fine time for a breakout performance. Wallace was 14-of-17 passing for 196...
By BLAKE WOOD [email protected] The Bowie football team should be well-rested for its District 4-3A DI opener against Boyd since the Jackrabbits are coming off a...
With injuries mounting, changes are in store for the Gold-Burg football team this Friday when the Bears play host to Tioga at Joe Corpening Field. Kickoff...
The main item on today’s Saint Jo City Council meeting will be an executive session discussions concerning a police officer. The meeting is set for 6...
The Saint Jo Parent-Teacher Organization and Saint Jo Athletic Booster Club have teamed up to sell flags. They can be purchased in the elementary and high...