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‘One big family:’ Nocona Thanksgiving feast a true community project – Bowie News
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‘One big family:’ Nocona Thanksgiving feast a true community project




About 13 years ago, Belinda Hendrix had an idea. That idea became a vision. She shared that vision with members of her church and they embraced it and made it a passion.

Once implemented, that passion became a Nocona tradition.

Belinda and her husband, Don, founded and became pastors of Christ Community Church in Nocona 14 years ago. Like many churches, when the holiday season came around, the congregation donated food and made up baskets to deliver to the least fortunate of the community. After having done that for two years, Belinda came up with a different plan.

“It always kind of bothered me that we were taking all the ingredients for a Thanksgiving meal to the families, instead of taking the meal itself,” recalled Belinda. “I had worked with the poor before, and I know that there are sometimes circumstances where there are not facilities to prepare the food that we take to them.”

She pondered many of these people may not have propane to heat their homes or bake a turkey, water to wash potatoes or even have anything to cook with. Hendrix said the food they deliver is worthless if that is the situation.

Her idea was to actually prepare a Thanksgiving feast and invite the community to join in, along with delivering meals to anyone who requested it. Read in your mid-week News. how this idea has evolved into a major community event with hundreds being fed.

Pictured: Folks enjoyed last year’s Thanksgiving Community Dinner. (Courtesy photo)

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Don Hendrix and his wife Belinda gave life to the idea of a community Thanksgiving feast in Nocona. (Courtesy photo)


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Sports better scams are growing



Thanks to new legal changes, the popularity of sports betting has exploded. If you think scammers haven’t noticed, think again. BBB advises that you check before downloading a sports betting app or placing a bet before the big game.

How the scam works

You want to place a bet on an upcoming game, so you search online for a sports betting service. You find a website or app that looks trustworthy. It may even offer an enticing introductory bonus, so you can make an initial bet “risk-free.”  

You place a bet, and, at first, everything seems normal. But as soon as you try to cash out your winnings, you find you can’t withdraw a cent. Scammers will make up various excuses. For example, they may claim technical issues or insist on additional identity verification. In other cases, they may require you to deposit even more money before you can withdraw your winnings! Whatever you do, you’ll never be able to get your money off the site. And any personal information you shared is now in the hands of scam artists.

One victim reported to BBB Scam Tracker: “I deposited money to put a wager for a sports game. I won the bet [and] attempted 3 times to cash out and 3 times it was declined. Spoke to their representative, and they needed a picture of my driver’s license, a photo of myself holding my ID, and a blank check from my bank. With all the run around I’ve been given, it prompted me to read their reviews. All horrible reviews of a scam. Called my credit card company to file a fraud report.”

How to avoid sports betting scams

  • Look for an established, approved service. Look for “white-listed” sports books that have been approved by your area’s gaming commission. In the United States, ESPN has a list of where sports betting is legal.
  • Don’t fall for tempting ads. Ignore gambling-related pop-up ads, email spam, or text messages. 
  • Read the fine print on incentives. Gambling sites and apps often offer incentives or bonuses to new users and around major games. But like any sales pitch, these can be deceptive. Be sure to read the fine print carefully.
  • Even legitimate sports betting sites have the right to freeze your winnings. Gambling companies can restrict users’ activity for “seeming to have an ‘unfair advantage’ or ‘irregular playing patterns,’” reports Lifehacker. Be sure to check the terms of service.

For more information

Check out BBB’s tips for spotting a lookalike website and downloading apps. Visit BBB.org/ScamTips to stay alert to new and commonly used scam tactics.

If you’ve come across a sports betting scam, report it at once to BBB Scam Tracker. Your report can help other consumers avoid falling prey to scammers’ tricks.

Subscribe to BBB’s weekly Scam Alerts

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Make plans for Valentine’s Day



Valentine’s Day is less than week away. In Thursday’s Out and About see some ideas for an evening in with a movie and selecting just the right flowers for your valentine

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Sunset Park Group hosting snack event



In preparation for the up and coming Superbowl, the Sunset Community Park group will host a TV snack bake sale at 9 a.m. Feb. 8 in Sunset City hall, 119 Farm-to-Market Road 1749.
In addition to snack items for the game, brisket sandwiches also will be sold. You can eat a sandwich with chips and iced tea and sit for a spell to visit or carry out to home. Proceeds benefit the Sunset Park.

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