The Bowie News introduces Jordan A. Neal as its new sports editor who began his duties this week. The 26-year-old Neal hails from Midlothian where he...
In Montague County the race for county treasurer gained two additional candidates as three run for the job. Filing for the March 2018 party primaries will...
Find some extra Merry goodies to prepare for the holiday season in this month’s Relish.
The Nocona Chamber of Commerce welcomed Christmas Saturday night with its annual downtown celebration that include a lighted parade, games, music and the fire department fish...
It’s time to get your letters to Santa Claus in to The Bowie News. Letters will be published in the Dec. 23 holiday greetings edition of...
Members of the BTX Bike Rally Board presented a $2,500 check to members of the Bowie Volunteer Fire Department in support of its annual Christmas toy...
Melanie Potter has been named to fill the position of family and community health agent in Montague County’s AgriLife Extension office and began her new duties...
The Bowie Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 8789 will have its Christmas toy drive and dance on Dec. 9 at the post home, 707 E....
The 26th Annual Fantasy of Lights Christmas Parade rolled through Bowie Saturday night with a lighted parade, Santa’s House, Elf’N Magic and much more. Pictured, Sister...
Main Street Bowie presented the 26th annual Fantasy of Lights Christmas Festival Saturday night. The day full of activities including the lighted parade that night, but...