“The Sandlot” will be the featured movie for the final summer series presented by Main Street Bowie on Aug. 11. The free film begins at dark...
The August Veterans’ Outreach for Montague County will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 12 during the Forestburg Watermelon Festival in Forestburg. Colm Murphy,...
James Yohe Tuesday announced retirement as director of the Nocona Economic Development Corporation, a position he has served for 12 years. He informed the NEDC board...
Door-to-door sales people are not that common in the Bowie city limits; but, permitted workers do make the rounds and city officials encourage residents to ask...
Equipment used in the new welding classes offered at Bowie High School through the dual credit program was unveiled this week. (Top) Kenny Smith, chairman of...
Bowie band students were fitted for uniforms on Monday for the 2017 marching season. Austin Long receives help from his mom, Davina, while being sized. (News...
Everything’s better on a stick! Consider some unique options for dinner that include a skewer and a grill in this month’s Relish.
By Jesse E. Coulson, Ed.D., information director Bowie SDA Church In 1922 Edward Janda, a Seventh Day Adventist missionary started a church in Musungwa, Zimbabwe. The...
The Amity Club and the Bowie Alliance for Education and the Arts present the 13th Annual Mad Hatter Tea and Style Show at 2 p.m. on...
The annual July Jam took place last Saturday night with a full house of folks at the Bowie Community Center enjoying fiddle music, a chicken dinner...