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Commissioners may lift the burn ban



Montague County Commissioners will meet in called session at 9 a.m. on Feb. 27 to consider lifting the burn ban implemented two weeks ago.
Multiple items are on the agenda for the court, including a discussion on sheriff’s office dispatcher’s salaries. County officials have made several adjustments to the sheriff’s budget after it was discovered dispatchers did not fall under the same rules as jailers and therefore must be paid time and a half when working more than 40 hours a week.
Commissioners also will discuss moving funds from indigent healthcare to contingency. An actuarial valuation from CapRisk Consulting Group will be examined and action will be taken on grant applications to the Office of the Governor.
The court will consider authorizing the judge to sign the map endorsement agreement with Liberty Marketing Company.
Elections Administrator Brandi Shipman will provide commissioners with a quote from Vista Solutions Group to print off around 6,000 county documents and convert them to the new system.
The system was approved in a September meeting and backs up the county’s voter registration, elections and Indigent Healthcare. Shipman explained the software is capable of backing up information that is currently on a one terabyte hard drive. If something were to happen to the building, or to the computer, everything would be lost.
In other business, precinct one will ask to enter the Mark Colley property on Lake Valley Road to pile up debris. A replat of Lot 367 and Lot 368 to Lot 367R in Silver Lakes Ranch will be offered.

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Freezing weather descends on Texas



With temperatures decreasing and wind speeds increasing behind the front, dangerously cold wind chills are expected tonight, then again tomorrow night. An Extreme Cold Warning and Cold Weather Advisory begin tonight as wind chills range from -10F to 10F.

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ERCOT issues weather watch for Feb. 19-21



ERCOT has issued a Weather Watch for February 19-21 due to extreme cold weather across the ERCOT region, higher electrical demand, and the potential for lower reserves. Grid conditions are expected to be normal. For more information, visit our TXANS webpage.

What is an ERCOT Weather Watch?
An ERCOT Weather Watch is an advance notification of forecasted significant weather with higher electrical demand and the potential for lower reserves. At this time, grid conditions are expected to be normal, and there is not a current expectation of an energy emergency. Texans should continue to monitor real-time and extended grid conditions at

What do I need to do?
No action is needed. You can monitor current and extended grid conditions on

Did you know?
Reducing electric use during peak demand times can help you save and lower demand on the grid. Energy-saving tips can be found at

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Upper Trinity Board of Directors meets Feb. 20



The board of directors for the Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District will meet at 5 p.m. on Feb. 20 at the Springtown office.
The agenda opens with a public hearing on an operating permit for Northwest ISD for a location in Rhome. The district wants a permit to drill and operate a new commercial water well with well volume of 536,000 gallons a year.
The regular meeting agenda opens with consent items of minutes, reports, bills and other monthly items. General Manager Doug Shaw will report on administrative and operational issues that includes the GM’s monthly report, delinquent customers of the district, education and outreach activities, report on injection well applications filed with the Texas Railroad Commission and well registration and groundwater production reports.
The board will review line item expenditures and adopt budget amendments, receive the district’s legal counsel report and consider any new business for the next meeting.
Visit for additional information on the agenda and district activities.

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