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Nocona Council has brief agenda May 15



Nocona City Council members will meet at 5 p.m. on May 15 to discuss two grant requests from the Nocona Economic Development Corporation.
The first request will be in the amount of $2,500 to the Tales ‘N’ Trails Museum to assist in the completion of the West Wing.
A second request will be made for $7,035 to the Indian Oaks Advisory Committee for golf cart batteries, top dressing greens and mower payment.
Acting as building commission, council members will conduct a hearing on 107 Bowie St. for northeast two lot three, northeast two of southeast two of lot two and block 135, original townsite.

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Fantasy of Lights sets 2025 parade theme



Bowie Community Development has released its 2025 Fantasy of Light Christmas Parade theme. It will be “Make Joyful Noise Songs of Christmas.” Calling all float builders you have one year to plan.

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Quadrantids Meteor Shower peaks on Jan. 4 early hours



In the Northern Hemisphere, January is the coldest month of the year in most regions. Texas has been lucky to see a relatively mild December, but colder temperatures are expected this week.
According to folklore, the weather of the first 12 days of the year is said to be indicative of the following 12 months.
The Quadrantids Meteor Shower peaks during the wee hours of Jan. 4. Try looking towards the North before dawn, and in clear skies, you may be able to see up to 25 meteors per hour.
The Quadrantids’ peak is relatively short, lasting from about midnight to dawn, but the volume of meteors makes the experience worthwhile. Information from the Old Farmer’s Almanac.

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Bowie News moving to one print edition a week



The Bowie News will return to publishing one weekly print edition beginning Jan. 9, 2025.
The weekly newspaper also will go back to its original dateline of Thursday.
Michael Winter, owner/publisher, said the local digital audience continues to grow organically and The Bowie News is committed to allocating its resources to that growth. This change is one step in that evolution as The Bowie News moves into its 103rd year of publication.
“In 1967 when my dad, the late Jim Winter, added the second edition of the Bowie News there was really no other way to receive local news and information. Now, there is social media, the internet and the emerging world of artificial intelligence, so it only makes sense to combine the products.”
The Bowie News is followed by nearly 16,000 on social media and has more than 100,000 monthly visitors to In 2023 the Bowie News reached more than 24,000 major social media accounts including X, Facebook and Instagram.
Similar to our county’s school systems and government offices that now operate on a four-day week, Winter explains our audience’s weekends are starting earlier and people are busier than ever. As everyone’s lifestyle continues to be more mobile providing news and information quickly to those platforms is essential he adds.
This is not the elimination of one edition, but the combination of both papers to expand content for our readership. Some of those additions in the works include specialty pages for food and garden showcasing local columnists, plus business and entertainment. We welcome any suggestions on what you would like to see. Email [email protected].
Returning to one print edition each week will allow our award-winning news and sports staff to have time to report more in-depth in the print product while being more agile to post timely information to our website, our electronic edition and social media platforms. Through the efforts of our professional advertising and design staff, The Bowie News will continue to provide special coverage and promotions for activities across Montague County. Remember Bowie News readers pay to consume our coverage and research shows a community newspaper remains in a household for many days shared among the family.
The Bowie News will be available on newsstands and in your mailbox on Jan. 9. The electronic subscription will move to a Thursday morning email delivery.
For information on subscribing to The Bowie News call 940-872-2247. The Bowie News subscription is $40 a year, where it has remained for the past four years. The E-subscription is $25 a year.
A combination package is available for $52.50, which is great for families with kids a

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