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Preparing for a financial emergency



5 tips for building (or rebuilding) your emergency savings

(Family Features) The new year provides an opportunity to re-evaluate different aspects of your life, and that includes your budget and savings habits. Planning for emergencies by building – or rebuilding if the COVID-19 pandemic required making a withdrawal – a savings account to withstand the unforeseen can increase confidence in your overall financial health and reduce worry that a significant life event will negatively impact your finances.

“Our research shows having emergency savings is the foundation for long-term financial health,” said Chandni Ohri, program lead in savings and financial health with BlackRock’s Emergency Savings Initiative. “The start of a new year is a good time to make a savings plan, which can consist of putting a little bit of money away regularly.”

Even before the pandemic began, 4 out of 10 Americans had a hard time finding even $400 to cover an emergency, according to a report from the United States Federal Reserve. However, if you don’t think you have money to save, consider the majority of people who were able to save for an emergency for the first time in 2020 earned less than $60,000, according to research from BlackRock’s Emergency Savings Initiative, a group of nonprofit experts, corporate partners, and providers. Changes in spending due to the pandemic plus government stimulus packages helped many individuals create much-needed cash buffers.

Consider these tips to build your emergency savings account and create a buffer of cash for when emergency strikes.

Start a Savings Habit

While it’s less important to have a specific dollar amount in mind, getting into the habit of putting some money in savings with each paycheck can help protect you should an emergency arise. While one good rule of thumb is to set aside enough to cover roughly six weeks of living expenses – housing, food, transportation – take a look at what it would cost to cover unexpected issues with your car, a trip to the hospital, a leak in your home or the replacement of a major appliance and start there.

Even a small amount, such as $50 in your savings account when it’s the day before payday and you’re running on fumes, can save you from an overdraft fee, having to resort to using a credit card, borrowing from a loved one or taking out a loan. However, research from the AARP Public Policy Institute found having a cash buffer of approximately $2,500 can help prevent financial hardship over the longer term. If you lose your job, for example, your emergency account could help pay for necessities while you find a new position, or the funds could supplement any unemployment benefits you may receive.

Automate Your Savings

Because an emergency can strike at any time, it’s important to have easy access to your funds. However, the account should also be separate from your checking account so you’re not tempted to dip into your reserves. Pick a free savings account with no minimum balance requirements and link it to your everyday account to quickly move money over if you need it.

Look for ways you can automatically save such as enabling roundups from your checking account to be transferred to your savings with each purchase or having your employer split your paycheck and automatically deposit a portion into savings each payday.

If you’re planning to stash funds away for months or years that can serve as both an emergency fund and long-term savings, consider a high-yield savings account.

Look for Ways to Cut Back

While you may have already made changes to your spending habits amid the pandemic, periodically shopping for competitive rates of recurring bills, such as cable and internet, cell phones insurance policies and other utilities, can be a simple way to save some money each month. Start by asking your current providers about any special rates and promotions that may be available to loyal customers then check with alternative providers to see if they can provide the same or better offerings at a reduced cost. Sometimes returning to your current provider with a more competitive rate from elsewhere can be extra incentive to work out a deal to keep a longtime customer.

Also look at any subscription services you use, or potentially don’t but still pay for, and see if they offer a cheaper plan that still meets your needs or if you’re able to cancel subscriptions you no longer use frequently. Other expenses such as dining out or buying new clothing and accessories could also be scaled back if you find you’re splurging too much. Avoid completely cutting spending for leisure activities from your budget but look for reasonable tweaks that can allow you to set more money aside for unforeseen expenses.

Take Advantage of One-Time Opportunities to Save

Assuming you expect to receive a tax refund, this provides an easy way to boost your emergency fund if circumstances allow you to save all or a portion of the return. If you’re able, consider having your refund directly deposited in your emergency account. The same strategies can be applied to any government aid checks you may receive, such as a second round of stimulus money that could be distributed to eligible citizens in 2021 to help reinvigorate the economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

There may also be other times throughout the year when you receive one or more cash gifts, like your birthday or holidays, that can help provide a nice cushion to your emergency fund if you can avoid the temptation to spend it.

Replenish What You Use

Remember to review and adjust your savings plan as needed, whether you’re able to contribute over a longer period of time without dipping into the account or if an expensive life event pops up that requires using all or a portion of the funds.

Should you need to dip into the savings, do your best to make replenishing the account to a level you’re comfortable with a primary goal in case any additional unexpected expenses arise. Alternatively, if your saving is going well, consider increasing the amount you’re saving each paycheck so you’re better protected against any major life changes or able to finance a large-scale purchase down the road.

Find more information and tips for building your savings at

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Financial Health Network

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5 home updates to provide peace of mind for your family



(Family Features) Home improvement projects often focus on updating the aesthetic of your house, but upgrades that make your living space more secure and comfortable for you and your family are sometimes even more important.

From your front door to the interior of your home and more, these ideas from the experts at Masonite, a global industry leader in interior and exterior doors, can help provide greater peace of mind – ensuring what matters most is always protected.

Ensure Your Home is Well-Lit
A well-lit home exterior makes it easier to spot potential threats and may even deter people and animals that don’t belong on your property. Automatic outdoor lighting, either set to a timer or triggered by motion or light sensors, can help you see what’s going on outside. Ensure fixtures on your porch, patio and garage are in good working order and replace burned out bulbs or lights that no longer function. Adding landscape lighting can also aid in security while boosting curb appeal.

Protect Your Home with a Secure Front Door
Upgrading your front door can do much more than just improve the look of your home – it’s also an important part of providing enhanced security for you and your family. With four times more impact resistance than a standard deadbolt lock, the M-Protect Multi-Point Security Lock offers homeowners unmatched protection to keep what matters most safe. The lock works like a standard deadbolt, but with more points of contact, and it is compatible with a wide array of handle sets and hardware, including electronic deadbolts. It can be added to any Masonite Performance Door System – an innovative solution that provides superior energy efficiency, performance and comfort – which is available in a diverse range of finishes, colors and glass styles to fit any home design.

Reduce Fire Hazards
Many elements of a home like furnaces, chimneys, hot water heaters and other gas appliances provide value to homeowners through comfort and convenience but can pose risks without proper maintenance. Hiring a professional to check your heating and air conditioning system annually can help you avoid costly repairs while also protecting your loved ones. Keeping the chimney clean of debris, creosote and soot helps lower fire risk and ensures smoke, carbon dioxide and other gases are safely carried out of the home.

Control Home Systems On the Go
Installing security systems, doorbells, lighting and other systems that can be controlled from a smartphone app, like the Masonite M-Pwr Smart Door, can provide added convenience and peace of mind. You can remotely turn lights on and off, unlock doors, change the temperature, open or close garage doors and check camera feeds while away.

Replace Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
A simple project to make your home safer, it’s essential to check your smoke detectors regularly and replace the batteries every six months. If you discover the date of manufacture on the back of your smoke detectors is more than 10 years ago, replacement is recommended by the National Fire Protection Association. While checking your smoke detectors, test or install carbon monoxide alarms to ensure you have a way to detect the invisible, odorless gas that can cause serious health problems if left unchecked.

Visit to learn more about the latest innovations in home security.


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Throw a party like a pro



(Family Features) Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply catching up with loved ones, playing host can be as demanding as it is enjoyable. Before gathering your crew for your next event, make a plan to ensure you get to enjoy the day as fully as your guests.

Keep the Menu Simple
An ornate spread may be impressive, but your guests are just as likely to appreciate a less demanding menu with a few standout dishes. Offer a single main dish, a couple of tried-and-true sides, some finger foods for snacking and a seasonal dessert. Beverage staples like tea, lemonade and water are all you really need, but if that feels too basic, you can offer a flavor station with fresh fruit like berries and lemon wedges, flavored syrups and other sweeteners. If you’ll be serving alcohol, don’t try to cater to everyone’s favorite. Select neutral white and red wines and one or two beer varieties. A signature cocktail you can premix and serve is another way to add a special touch.

Set a Thoughtful Theme
One area many hosts go overboard is theming their events. While setting a theme can be a fun idea, it doesn’t have to be fussy or complicated, and your decorations don’t have to be over the top. Subtle color, centerpieces and serving pieces are all places you can inject some thematic vibes without investing too much time or money. You can also let your theme influence any games or activities you plan, as well as other entertainment like background music.

Anticipate Guests’ Needs
Thinking ahead about your guests’ comfort can prevent scrambling once the party is underway. Consider needs like seating, where you’ll keep extra food for quick refills and essentials like more toilet paper in the guest bath. Also anticipate accidents like spills and have supplies ready to efficiently correct inevitable incidents. Remember to plan for extra trash bins and if guests will be congregating outdoors, provide extra sunscreen, bug spray and fans.

Organize Entertainment
Depending on the purpose of the party, your entertainment may be pretty clear, but if it’s a casual gathering, you’ll likely want to provide guests some ideas for passing the time. Board games and backyard games are almost always a hit. A playlist that fits your theme can add ambiance and provide background for conversation, but you can also inject some musical fun with karaoke. If you’ll have kids in attendance, provide age-appropriate options for shorter attention spans, too.

Make Cleanup Easy
After the last guest leaves, you may be ready to call it a night, but taking care of a few quick chores can make cleanup easier in the morning. Load the dishwasher and set it to run overnight, leaving any tough dishes to soak in hot, soapy water. Check for any spills or stains that need immediate attention and get a jump start on the floors. For a convenient hands-off experience, try the Eufy S1 Pro Robot Vacuum and Mop, which achieves a 99.99% sterilization rate when mopping and, using automated sensors, elevates the mophead and converts to powerful suction for carpeted areas. After cleaning, the robot docks to automatically empty its dustbin, dispose of wastewater and clean its mopping pads, drying them with hot air to inhibit bacterial growth and odors.

Explore more ideas to tackle entertaining (and its aftermath) with ease at

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Explore your dream destination:Tips for a a travel adventure



(Family Features) If you find yourself dreaming of sunshine, sand and sparkling pools, it may be time to start looking forward to your next vacation getaway. Get a jumpstart on building excitement for the journey ahead by beginning preparations early, which offers many benefits, including better rates and more time to research your options.

Start exploring ideas for a fun-filled trip with these tips from the travel experts at Funjet, which specializes in providing travelers with vacation packages to hundreds of destinations around the world:

Plan Ahead
Booking your vacation well in advance allows you to take advantage of the best deals at
the most popular hotels and hottest travel dates. In addition, by being flexible with travel dates,
families can save hundreds of dollars. Moving travel dates by a day or two can result in major savings, often even more than the discounts you can get on last-minute trips.

Research Dream Destinations
Deciding where you want to go is the first step, but with a literal world of possibilities, it can be difficult to narrow down your choices. One place you can find inspiration is by exploring the top travel destinations others are choosing. For example, the top 10 travel destinations booked with Funjet in 2023 include numerous international destinations. Las Vegas is the only U.S. city to make the top 10 list. Mexico is especially popular, with Cancun, Cozumel, Puerto Vallarta and San Jose Del Cabo. Others include Belize City, Belize; Liberia, Costa Rica; Montego Bay, Jamaica; Panama City, Panama; and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

Consider All-Inclusive Options
Whether you prefer adults-only or family-friendly, luxury or budget-friendly, there’s a diverse range of all-inclusive resorts to choose from. All-inclusives are known for their convenience and value. They offer hassle-free experiences with meals, drinks and often activities included. While many resorts in Mexico and the Caribbean islands are all-inclusive, be aware that smaller islands like Antigua may feature European plan-style hotels, where meals and drinks are not included.

An all-inclusive package usually encompasses a variety of activities and amenities curated to offer an enjoyable and cost-effective vacation. Within these packages, guests often have the opportunity to access amenities such as swimming pools, engage in sports activities, participate in fitness classes and other entertaining experiences.

Pack Like a Pro
Gathering everything you need for a vacation, especially with kids in tow, can be stressful. To make the process easier, organize your packing based on factors like the length of your trip, airline policies and your family’s activities. Essentials like an umbrella should not be overlooked, especially if your destination’s weather can be unpredictable. Maximize luggage space by packing travel-sized toiletries and put electronic necessities like your mobile device, charger and headphones in your carry-on bag.

Anticipate Extra Expenses
While all-inclusive resorts make tropical getaways stress-free and economical, it’s customary to express appreciation for exceptional service with tips. Resorts typically don’t require tipping, but guests commonly tip as a gesture of gratitude. When deciding to tip, families should consider modest amounts, like $1-5 per meal per person, and be mindful of different service levels as well as the convenience of using local currency. Having cash on hand makes it easier to tip as needed and ensure you have extra for souvenirs and other purchases.

Unplug and Unwind
Although most travelers believe it’s essential to stay connected, it’s a good idea to limit screen time so you can make the most of your vacation. Schedule a specific time, preferably in the morning, to address emails and online tasks then enjoy a worry-free rest of the day. While phones are often used to capture photos and videos or look up information about nearby attractions, putting away the screens means you’ll be able to enjoy the scenery, connect with loved ones and have a truly rejuvenating experience.

Protect Your Group Travel
When traveling with a group, there’s a greater chance of something happening that changes plans between when you book your trip and leave. That’s why it can be a good idea to take a “travel with confidence” approach and consider including a travel protection plan in your reservations. This insurance allows travelers to cancel their trip for any reason, if necessary. When traveling with a group, stick with nonstop flights when possible, as you’re more likely to stay together, which can mean more cost-effective travel.

Enjoy the Experiences
While spending leisure time by the resort pool with afternoon cocktails can be a relaxing reward, you can make the most of a destination vacation by also planning a tour. Many destinations offer services that can assist travelers with booking various adventures, ranging from catamaran cruises to hikes and almost everything in between.

Find more tips and plan your next adventure at or call your local travel advisor.

Where to Stay
Start planning your dream getaway by checking out these traveler-favorite destination properties, based on bookings through Funjet:

Top 10 All-Inclusive Resorts

  • Dreams Onyx Resort & Spa (Punta Cana, Dominican Republic)
  • Dreams Bahia Mita Surf & Spa Resort (Nayarit, Mexico)
  • Riu Caribe (Cancun, Mexico)
  • Riu Guanacaste (Costa Rica)
  • Riu Negril (Jamaica)
  • Iberostar Grand Paraiso (Riviera Maya, Mexico)
  • Riu Cancun (Mexico)
  • Royalton Riviera Cancun, An Autograph Collection (Mexico)
  • Secrets Maroma Beach Riviera Cancun (Quintana Roo, Mexico)
  • Secrets Huatulco Resort & Spa (Oaxaca, Mexico)

Highly Rated Hotels for Groups

  • Royalton Riviera Cancun, An Autograph Collection (Mexico)
  • Dreams Playa Mujeres Golf & Spa Resort (Quintana Roo, Mexico)
  • Dreams Flora Resort & Spa (Punta Cana, Dominican Republic)
  • Oasis Palm (Cancun, Mexico)
  • Hyatt Place Waikiki Beach (Honolulu, Hawaii)
  • Marival Emotions Resort & Suites (Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico)
  • Royalton Punta Cana, An Autograph Collection (Dominican Republic)
  • Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa (Oranjestad, Aruba)
  • Bahia Principe Grand La Romana (Dominican Republic)
  • Dreams Macao (Punta Cana, Dominican Republic)
  • Secrets Playa Blanca Costa Mujeres (Mexico)
  • Zoetry Agua Punta Cana (Dominican Republic)


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